Sunday, November 29, 2020

CRAS in the pool

Demolition in areas with a high population density is one of the situations in which the characteristics of CRAS, the demolishing cement produced by the Basque company Kayati SL, allow to achieve quick, safe and effective results.

We see in this report how CRAS has been used to demolish a large stone inside a hotel, in the pool area. The use of explosives was totally out of place in this environment, as was the use of heavy machinery. It is the CRAS field.

The way of carrying out the demolition with the expansive cement is done in total safety during a period of maintenance of the hotel installations. The process begins with drilling with manual machinery, according to a distribution of perforations that allows to design in advance how the break will occur and where the debris, to be removed after the operation, will be generated. Kayati's experience of nearly thirty years in demolitions using CRAS is offered to the contractors of these works.

In the images you can see how the rock breakage happens, silently, with no vibrations affecting the environment. In this case, the absence of vibrations is especially appreciated, because the basin of the pool adjacent to the demolition area has not been affected throughout the process.

The mosaics around the pool were not affected either. In just over twenty-four hours, with the rock breaking already made, it was possible to remove the debris from it.

Once this last task had been carried out, no one could have said that, a few hours before, a rock had been demolished in that area.

CRAS' reputation has been forging over decades on projects like this one, as the building contractor's best friend when it comes to demolition. At Kayati SL we are very proud of such as reputation.