Thursday, March 19, 2020

Making room in the basement

 Making room in basements is one of the secret wishes for more homeowners. Although sometimes they unsuitable areas, due to the existence of humidity, a basement can allow to gain a very useful volume as a cellar or warehouse

The photos shown in this report have been taken in the works to expand the basement in a cottage, an indoor domestic demolition, one of the CRAS specialties, the demolition cement manufactured by the Basque firm Kayati SL.

Indoor demolitions cannot be carried out using explosives or heavy machinery. These are projects that must be carried out without generating vibrations that could damage the structure of the house and those of neighboring buildings.

Once the drilling of the area to be removed has been carried out - in this case, a rock in the basement floor of a rural house - the next operation is to load the holes with the mortar made with CRAS.

The expansive force generated from the hydration reaction that occurs in the mortar  causes that, after a few hours, cracks begin to appear in the rock, which is gradually demolished and, after 48 hours, reduced to small fragments that can be removed without difficulty.

The images show the break between the perforations, whose dimensions -diameter, depth and distribution- are defined according to the type of rock to be demolished and the environment in which the demolition is executed. The experience that Kayati SL makes available to its clients enables demolitions to be carried out efficiently, optimizing the use of CRAS and the total cost of demolition.

In short, when it comes to carrying out demolitions inside buildings, the use of CRAS demolition cement is the cleaner, faster, safer and more efficient alternative from an economic point of view, something that Kayati SL clients value very positively.