Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Demollition of isolated rocks with no explosives

Kayati's CRAS is the most suitable method to crack isolated blocks without noise and blasts.

In some hours, rocks break in smaller parts, matching the pattern drawed by drillings.

Please visit us as for further information on this and other applications of CRAS.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Making room for a lift

These pictures show how CRAS, demolition cement manufactured in Spain by Kayati SL, is used as a demolition mortar to remove 8 sqm of granite.

 This demolition project is a phase of a larger project, the renewal of a lift.
 Demolition has been done in two layers, to get the 2 meters deep.
 At the end of the demolition work, there was space for concrete and for the rest of the lift installation.
More information on CRAS at

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The best of CRAS at removals

 Removals are esentials in some building works, and CRAS helps in these projects with its non-explosive demolition power.

 Some of the largest public works developed in Spain in the past years have been using CRAS for removal purposes.

 Contractors all around the Worl enjoy CRAS, an easy-to-use say to demolish even the hardest rocks.

Well done, with CRAS!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Silent demolition with CRAS

 CRAS is very useful for silent demolitions.

 In environments where noise is not allowed, non-explosive demolition is the solution.

 CRAS performs a quick, clean and silent demolition.

 More information on CRAS at