Sunday, March 30, 2014

Precision demolition with CRAS

CRAS, the non-explosive demolition mortar manufactured by the Spanish firm Kayati SL can be used for projects where materials to be demolished are near to key component that cannot be damaged by demolition. Pictures in this blog entry show a demolition work performed in a glass-manufacturing furnace, where fireproof material is cracked with no damage for the furnace structure.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Demolition in Central America with CRAS

High temperatures do not void CRAS demolishing properties. These pictures have been taken on a demolition work in Central America. Temperature was over 30ยบ Celsius during the whole demolition.

The rock was cut as it it was butter. Demolition began just six hours after pouring the CRAS.

Once again, well done, CRAS!